All workshops

Dynamics of Dominance of Females Relative to Males in a Group

13 - 17 January 2020 @Snellius

Peter Kappeler, Joey Cheng, Charlotte Hemelrijk

Life Sciences
Extreme Physics, Extreme Data

13 - 17 January 2020 @Oort

Elena Rossi, Gemma Anderson, Peter Hatfield, Jim Gaffney

Computational Sciences and Digital Research, Physics
ICT with Industry 2020

20 - 24 January 2020 @Oort

Vasilios Andrikopoulos, Amber Kerkhofs, Ivano Malavolta

Applied Sciences, Technological Sciences, Informatics and Computer Science
Bridging Material Science and Interaction Design

20 - 24 January 2020 @Snellius

Isabel Qamar, Majken Kirkegaard Rasmussen, Danqing Liu, Nikolaus Correll, Miguel Bruns

Computational Sciences and Digital Research, Informatics and Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry
The Cosmic Web in the Local Universe

27 - 31 January 2020 @Oort

Rien van de Weijgaert, Noam Libeskind

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