All workshops

Yield stress and fluidization in brittle and ductile amorphous systems

9 - 13 January 2023 @Oort

Federico Toschi, Roberto Benzi, Sébastien Manneville, Catherine Barentin, Thibaut Divoux, Mauro Sbragaglia

Tidal Evolution Research Review for Astrophysics (TERRA)

9 - 13 January 2023 @Snellius

Yan Gao, Tjarda Boekholt, Onno Pols, Alice Quillen, Gordon Ogilvie, Dong Lai

Physics, Astronomy
ICT with Industry 2023

16 - 20 January 2023 @Oort

Faegheh Hasibi, Anton Wijs, Olivia Muthsam, Katja van Erkel

Applied Sciences, Technological Sciences, Informatics and Computer Science
The Future of Muslim Tech: Prospects and Challenges

16 - 20 January 2023 @Snellius

Yasmin Ismail, Bart Barendregt, Wael Hegazy, Karina Soemarwoto

Technological Sciences, Law, Sociology, Informatics and Computer Science, Ethics, Computational Sciences and Digital Research, Anthropology, Media and Communication, Religion
Overcoming disconnects in understanding of accreting black holes

23 - 27 January 2023 @Oort

Sera Markoff, Christine Done, Erin Kara, Christopher Reynolds, Phil Uttley

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