All workshops

STRATOS accelerated guidance for real world data analysis

16 - 20 September 2024 @Oort

Els Goetghebeur, Nan van Geloven, James Carpenter, Pamela Shaw, Willi Sauerbrei

Technological Sciences, Applied Sciences, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Medical Sciences, Informatics and Computer Science
About Time: Circadian Medicine in Critical Care

16 - 20 September 2024 @Snellius

Matthias Felten, Laura Kervezee, Elizabeth Klerman, David Ray, Marc Ruben, Till Roenneberg

Life Sciences, Medical Sciences
Extreme Matter in Extreme Stars 2024

23 - 27 September 2024 @Oort

Sebastien Guillot, David Tsang, Samaya Nissanke, Bruno Giacomazzo, Ingo Tews

Astronomy, Physics
Modeling the formation of respiratory aerosols

23 - 27 September 2024 @Snellius

Chantal Darquenne, Stavros Kassinos, Stefan Hickel, Anna-Carin Olin

Mathematics, Life Sciences, Medical Sciences, Physics, Computational Sciences
Infectious disease surveillance through wastewater analysis

7 - 11 October 2024 @Oort

Jasmijn Baaijens, Davida Smyth, Michael Baym, Mark van Loosdrecht, Ana Maria de Roda Husman

Life Sciences, Environmental Science, Medical Sciences, Mathematics, Applied Sciences, Computational Sciences
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