All workshops

Stochastic Bifurcation Theory

13 - 15 January 2003 @Oort

Robin de Vilder, Ale Jan Homburg

45th European Study Group Mathematics with Industry

17 - 21 February 2003 @Oort

Stieltjes OnderwijsweekGraduate Course in Mathematics Stabiliteitsanalyse in PDV's

3 - 7 March 2003 @Oort

C.J. van Duijn, J. Hulshof, A. Doelman

Dutch Astrophysics Days III

13 - 14 March 2003 @Oort

G. Mellema

Mathematical understanding of complex patterns in the life sciences

18 - 28 March 2003 @Oort

Mark Peletier, Hiroshi Matano, Masayasu Mimura, Danielle Hilhorst

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