All workshops

HART - Human-Agent-Robot Teamwork: Tools and Methods for Designers

5 - 9 January 2015 @Snellius

Maarten Sierhuis, Catholijn Jonker, Matthew Johnson, Jeffrey Bradshaw

Informatics and Computer Science
Shock Acceleration: From the Solar System to Cosmology

5 - 9 January 2015 @Oort

Olga Verkhoglyadova, Gary Zank, Jacco Vink, Mark Dieckmann, Marcus Brüggen

Astronomy, Physics
Quantitative Biology of Auxin Transport

12 - 16 January 2015 @Snellius

Roeland Merks, Eric Kramer, Sander Hille, Remko Offringa, Bert van Duijn

Computational Sciences and Digital Research, Life Sciences, Mathematics
Music Similarity: Concepts, Cognition and Computation

19 - 23 January 2015 @Oort

Anja Volk, Elizabeth Margulis, Elaine Chew, Christina Anagnostopoulou

Computational Sciences and Digital Research, Informatics and Computer Science, Physics
Integrative Cell ModelsBridging Microbial Physiology and Systems biology

26 - 30 January 2015 @Oort

Vitor Martins dos Santos, Andrea Weiße, Peter Swain, Diego Oyarzun, Vincent Danos, Frank Bruggeman

Computational Sciences and Digital Research, Life Sciences
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