
The Lorentz Center has a wide range of collaborations with organizations in the scientific field. These collaborations enable us to organize events and calls for specific target groups.


The NIAS-Lorentz Program is part of an exceptional collaboration between the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the humanities and social sciences (NIAS) in Amsterdam and the Lorentz Center.

This program was set up in 2006 to stimulate innovative research that bridges the humanities and/or social sciences with the natural, life and/or technological sciences. The program consists of NIAS-Lorentz workshops and two fellowship programs: the Distinguished NIAS Lorentz Fellow and the NIAS-Lorentz Theme Groups. The fellowships consist of a few months in residence at NIAS in Amsterdam, as well as a workshop at the Lorentz Center in Leiden.

The collaboration with NIAS also supports the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) workshop program of the Lorentz Center, by which we understand mono-or interdisciplinary workshops in disciplines from the social sciences, humanities or any other field of research outside the natural/life/exact/technical sciences.



The CECAM-Lorentz workshops are prestigious workshops in the computational sciences. Computational approaches are almost inherently interdisciplinary in character, thus blending naturally in the Lorentz Center’s workshop program.

The CECAM-Lorentz workshops are part of our collaboration with the Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire (CECAM) in Lausanne, aiming at daring initiatives in multiscale modeling and simulation. The workshops are held since 2014, alternately at Lorentz Center in Leiden and at CECAM in Lausanne.



Every year the Netherlands eScience Center and the Lorentz Center invite researchers to join the eScience Center - Lorentz Competition.
This competition aims to host a leading-edge workshop on digitally enhanced research (efficient utilization of data, software and e-infrastructure). The workshop should bring together researchers from the academic community and the public/private sector and can receive support from eScience Center research software engineers.




Since 2019, together with the KNCV, Lorentz Center organizes an annual Chemistry competition. We
 invite applications by tenure track researchers who work on cutting-edge topics from any area of chemistry research. The topic can be mono- or multidisciplinary.




Tohoku Forum for Creativity
(TFC) is an international visitor research institute at Tohoku University in Japan. The center facilitates collaborative research. In 2016 the Tohoku Forum for Creativity (TFC) and the Lorentz Center signed an ‘Agreement on Academic Collaboration’ to deepen the cooperation between our research centers.


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Niels Bohrweg 1 & 2

2333 CA Leiden

The Netherlands

+31 71 527 5400