WE Heraeus – Lorentz collaboration

January 2024, the Wilhelm und Else Heraeus Stiftung  and the Lorentz Center begin a pilot to collaborate on one or more annual workshops at the Lorentz Center, within the area of physics (in the broadest sense). 

The proposal ‘Superconductivity in symmetry-broken and low-dimensional systems’ has been selected as the first WE Heraeus – Lorentz workshop.

The workshop is proposed by:

Mazhar Ali, TU Delft

Semonti Bhattacharyya, Universiteit Leiden

Remko Fermin, University of Cambridge

Francesco Giazotto, CNR Nano

Nicola Paradiso, Universität Regensburg

Heng Wu, TU Delft

and will take place between 10 February - 14 February 2025 at the Lorentz Center.

The collaboration supports two different kinds of meetings:

WE Heraeus – Lorentz workshops 
Dutch-German WE Heraeus – Lorentz Seminars 

The events should fulfill the expectations and requirements of regular Lorentz Center workshops in the area of physics.

In addition: 

WE Heraeus – Lorentz workshops: 

  • At least one co-organizer is based in Germany and one based in The Netherlands. 

Dutch-German WE Heraeus – Lorentz Seminars: 
These seminars are in particular aimed to strengthen existing cooperation between the Netherlands and Germany or to initiate new ones. 

  • At least one co-organizer is based in Germany and one based in The Netherlands. 
  • Approximately 1/3 participants should be affiliated with German institutions, 1/3 participants affiliated with Dutch institutions and 1/3 participants from the rest of the world. 
  • If desired, the program may be more shifted towards lectures, less focus on the interactive part, than expected by the workshops. 

Both the WE Heraeus – Lorentz workshops and the Dutch-German WE Heraeus – Lorentz Seminars are fully funded by the WE-Heraeus Stiftung. This funding includes hotel and lunch to all participants and travel refunds for some (key) participants. 

The Lorentz Center submits the proposal to the relevant Lorentz Center scientific advisory board(s) for evaluation on the criteria for regular Lorentz Center workshops. 

High ranking proposals in scope for a WE Heraeus – Lorentz workshop or seminar are submitted to the WE Heraeus committee(s), together with the ranking by the Lorentz Center physics advisory board. The WE Heraeus board selects the winner(s). 

If the proposal is not selected by the WE Heraeus committee, it is still in the running for a regular Lorentz Center workshop.  

Scientific Report 
The scientific report, to be written after the workshop/seminar, should be submitted in English as well as in German. The German version will be published in Physik Journal and on the Foundation’s website, the English text will be published via the Lorentz Center workshop website and in the bi-annual report published with reports from all Lorentz Center workshops. 


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The Netherlands

+31 71 527 5400