CECAM-Lorentz call

CECAM and the Lorentz Center annually organize a call to attract scientists who want to organize a computational science workshop. Every other year the workshop will be held at the Lorentz Center in Leiden or at CECAM HQ in Lausanne.

The CECAM-Lorentz program plans to host a leading-edge workshop in computational simulation and modeling and its application in molecular simulations and related areas. Otherwise, the topic is open. 

What we seek
• an innovative scientific program, that takes us beyond our current boundaries
• an open and interactive format, with few lectures

What we offer
• a 5-day workshop for up to 25 people 
• travel and accommodation reimbursements and other organizational costs
• a professional support organization

The next call will be open in October 2024. 

Please find answers to several FAQs here.



Andrea Cavalli, director CECAM, director@cecam.org
Roeland Merks, director Lorentz Center, proposal@lorentzcenter.nl
Henriette Jensenius, scientific manager Lorentz Center, jensenius@lorentzcenter.nl



CECAM-Lorentz call winners

2024 - 2025 

Greening AI with Software Engineering

 Luís Cruz, Delft University of Technology
June Sallou, Delft University of Technology
Maja Kirkeby, Roskilde University
Silverio Martínez-Fernández, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
João Paulo Fernandes


2023 - 2024

Atomistic modelling of solid-liquid interfaces in electrocatalysis

Nuria López, Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia
Marc Koper, University of Leiden
Hannes Jonsson, University of Iceland
Max García-Melchor, Trinity College Dublin
Giancarlo Cicero, Politecnico di Torino



Previous CECAM-Lorentz call winners


Follow us on:

Niels Bohrweg 1 & 2

2333 CA Leiden

The Netherlands

+31 71 527 5400